20 September 2016

My facebbokGroup and Youtube Channel Related forex

I created one Face book group to share my PTZ with you .I Received a lot of request to know about my PTZ .I will share herewith what i like/interesting anything (not only PTZ/forex related) many stuffs ..are may be collected/..indi/temp....songs/videos/quote/......from net ..from well-wisher.....post/article/chart/...from my hard disk/stored ...so all credit goes to due person....It will be great if you do the same ...looking forward to hear from you......

If you want to know ,what is PTZ then please join and share following link …

For My Forex Technical video Analysis and PTZ

You Tube channel  for Video Analysis with my PTZ  ,Please ….||SUBSCRIBE|| and ||SHARE ||

27 August 2016

Welcome to My Domain: How Long Does the Forex News Impact/ Effect Last?

Welcome to My Domain: How Long Does the Forex News Impact/ Effect Last?: How Long Does the Effect Last? According to a study by Martin D. D. Evans and Richard K. Lyons published in the Journal of International...

How Long Does the Forex News Impact/ Effect Last?

How Long Does the Effect Last?

According to a study by Martin D. D. Evans and Richard K. Lyons published in the Journal of International Money and Finance (2004), the market could still be absorbing or reacting to news releases hours, if not days, after they are released. The study found that the effect on returns generally occurs in the first or second day, but the impact does seem to linger until the fourth day. The impact on order flow, on the other hand, is still very pronounced on the third day and is still observable on the fourth day.

03 April 2016

forex daily weekly technical anlysis and my PTZ

this message for all of my mate who think i post many indicator/temp/mt4...my chart is clutter .....

Many Many thanks for your interest and visit/comments/questions and it is really inspire me.I am from Bangladesh GMT+6.I want to clear something first i like simplicity and clear chart/temp but i like to play with different indicator and temp too..AND above all i want to trade according to my PTZ(potential trade zone area/level/pa)and i believe it is must for any trader to open trade and set mind/sentiment either bluish or bearish ,that's all then i play with indi/temp/system/mt4 or not .my principal no set up =no trade .please post in my thread and share your thought anything you find interesting..sharing is caring
 for more information about PTZ  and know about my trading/technical analysis check following links:

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